Macros Can Be Contagious

Next we’ll look at an important consequence of macros not being values: macros that take a variable number of arguments can infect their callers, forcing the author to write more macros instead of functions. Let’s take a look at an example and think about the implications for calling code:

(​require​ '[clojure.string :as string])
(​defmacro​ log [& args]
`(​println​ (​str​ ​"[INFO] "​ (string/join ​" : "​ ~(​vec​ args)))))
user=> (log ​"that went well"​)
;[INFO] that went well
;=> nil
user=> (log ​"item #1 created"​ ​"by user #42"​)
; [INFO] item #1 created : by user #42
;=> nil

If you recall what you learned in Chapter 2, Advance Your Macro Techniques, you’ll notice that we’re ...

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