12.2 Decomposition Formulas for Lie Algebras
12.3 Nonequilibrium Thermo Field Dynamics
12.4 Applications to Quantum Optical Systems
12.4.1 SU(1,1) and SU(2) Coherent States
12.4.2 Calculation of Average Values
12.4.3 Input–Output Relation of a Lossless Beam Splitter
12.4.4 Quantum Master Equation
12.4.5 Photon Counting Process
12.5.1 Diagonalization of the Time-Evolution Generator
12.5.2 Linear Attenuation Process
12.5.3 Linear Amplification Process
12.5.4 Relation to the Damping Base and Its Dual Base
When we investigate properties of a quantum ...
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