Simple Project Object Model

When Maven executes, it looks to the Project Object Model for information about the project. The POM answers such questions as: What type of project is this? What is the project’s name? Are there any build customizations for this project? Example 3-1 shows the default pom.xml file created by the Maven Archetype plugin’s create goal.

Example 3-1. Simple project’s pom.xml file

<project xmlns="" 
         xsi:schemaLocation=" ">

This pom.xml file is the most basic POM you will ever deal with for a Maven project. Usually a POM file is considerably more complex, defining multiple dependencies and customizing plugin behavior. The first few elements—groupId, artifactId, packaging, version—are known as the Maven coordinates, which uniquely identify a project. name and url are descriptive elements of the POM, providing a human-readable name and associating the project with a project web site. Lastly, the dependencies ...

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