12.4. Results

Table 12.3 compares the PPPs for GDP developed in this paper and the Eurostat-OECD PPPs in 2011. Our estimate of the PPP for GDP, which is derived from aggregating the PPPs for industry-GDP at basic prices, is 109.0 yen per dollar, which closely resembles the Eurostat-OECD PPP (107.5 yen per dollar) in 2011. 16 Compared to the Eurostat-OECD PPP, our expenditure-side estimates are somewhat lower in household consumption and building and construction (B&C) of GFCF (gross-fixed capital formation) and higher in machinery and equipment (M&E) of GFCF. 17
Fig. 12.4 shows the extrapolated estimates of PPPs for GDP and household consumption from 2011 to 2016, using our benchmark PPP estimates in 2011 and the price indices from the ...

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