

1D textures, 92

2D coordinate system, 4446

2D drawing

build star sample project, 108

creating command buffer, 116117

creating command encoder, 117119

creating complex shapes with triangles/meshes, 109113

fixed-function state on command encoder, 119120

frame completion notification, 125126

graphics rendering pipeline, 107108

issuing draw calls, 124

mapping 2D vertex data by hand, 111

overview of, 107

passing data to shaders, 121123

presenting to screen, 125

primitive types in Metal, 113114

responding to MTKViewDelegate methods, 115

retrieving drawable, 115116

scheduling/enqueuing command buffers, 124125

2D grid of pixels, convolution, 232235

2D textures, 92

3D coordinate system, 4546

3D drawing

animation, 140141

basic ...

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