2732, 188191


6116, 188191, 476478

68000, See Motorola 68000

68008, 109

68010, 109

68012, 109

68020, See Motorola 68020

68030 / 68040 / 68060, 10

6821, 192195, 470475

68230, 195, 196198, 279, 281, 469


7447/7448, 74

74HCT244 / 74HCT245, 55


80386, 1112, 306, 307

80486, 1112, 306, 307

82C55, 416418


A/D converter, 21, 77, 78, 451

Accumulator, 27, 451

Addition of signed and unsigned binary numbers, 98, 99

Address, 2, 25, 451

Address bus, 3, 2425

Addressing modes, 2, 102, 451

Alphanumeric Codes, 7

ALU, 2, 26, 32, 451

Analog to Digital converter, See A/D Converter

Arithmetic and logic unit, See ALU

ASCII, 7, 8, 451

Assemblers, 89, 9195, 113117, 317321, 451

Delimiters, 9293, 114, 317

Directives, 9395, 114115, 318320

Fields, 90, 91, 114, 317

Pseudoinstructions, 9395, 114, 317319

Specifying numbers, 93, 114, 317318

Types, 9192

Assembler Directives, 9395, 114, 317319

Assembly Language, 89, 90, 113117, 317321, 452

Assembly Language Instruction Formats, 9597

Assembly Language vs. C/C++ Language, 105

Associative cache, 65


Barrel shifter, 223, 452

Basic Microprocessor Registers, 2627

BCD, 78, 452

BCD to binary conversion, 8

BCD to seven-segment decoder, 74

BICMOS, 12, 9

Big-endian, 113

Binary, 1

Binary-coded-decimal, See BCD

Bit, 2, 452

Block transfer DMA, 84

Branch prediction feature, 16, 44, 45

Breakpoint, 1819, 452

Buffer, 73, 453

Bus, 2, 3, 2425, 453

Byte, 2, 50


C++, 1

Cache, 3, 16, 453

Cache Memory, 3, 16, 6367, 453

Associative, 65

Direct ...

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