Syntax. RADIANS(angle)

Definition. This function converts degrees into radian measures.


  • angle (required) The angle that you want to convert, in degrees

Background. You can calculate the segment of a circle based on the angle as well as on the circumference and arc. This quotient is called a radian or radiant (see Figure 16-22). Because the angle functions in Excel are based on radians, this function is often used to specify the arguments for angle functions.

The following applies:

Circumference (2πr) / arc (b) = round angle (360°) / angle at center (α)

The measure for the radian is the radiant (rad). The full circumference of a circle is 360° or 2π = 6.28318531 rad. A half-circle is π = 3.14159265 rad.

Figure 16-22. The radian in a ...

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