

3D formulas

building with mouse, 330

spearing through worksheets, 328-330

3D Maps

animating over time, 607

color categories in, 605


changing colors, 615

resizing, 615

custom maps, 619

creating, 619-621

image preparation, 619

data, inserting, 610-613

Flat Map option, 616

labels, viewing, 617-618

layers, combining, 615

panes, resizing, 616

photos, adding to points, 614

points, animating line between, 617

rotating, 614

satellite photos in, 616

time in, 616-617

tipping, 614

tours, creating, 618

troubleshooting, 613

types of

column charts, 604

heat maps, 604

shaded area maps, 603

ultra-local, 608-610

zooming, 605-606, 614

3D models, 17-18, 639, 665-666

32-bit Excel, 447

64-bit Excel, 447

1904 date system, 85

& (ampersand) operator, ...

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