Practice Exam
This section will have example exam questions that are similar to the test so that you can become acquainted with the format and how to read and answer a question within the allowed time frame.
Test questions
- You have implemented three sensitivity labels named SC-LB-01, SC-LB-02, and SC-LB-03 and executed the following customizations:
- Implemented an auto-labeling policy for SC-LB-02
- Published SC-LB-01
You want to configure a file policy called SC-FP-01 with Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps. Which sensitivity label are you able to apply to SC-FP-01?
A. SC-LB-01 and SC-LB-02 only
B. SC-LB-01 only
C. SC-LB-02 only
D. SC-LB-01, SC-LB-02, and SC-LB-03
- You are configuring a solution for data classification. The development department ...
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