[ABCD] matrix:
buildup for third-degree network, circuit synthesis approach, 246
matrix representation, multiport microwave network analysis, 175–178
[ABCD] polynomial synthesis:
circuits with inverters, lowpass prototype circuits, 251–258
singly terminated filter prototype, lowpass prototype circuits, 258–260
Achieser-Zolotarev functions, lowpass prototype transfer polynomials, 436–438
Adjacent copolarized channel interference, communication systems noise, 18–19
Adjacent cross-polarized channel interference, communication systems noise, 19
Admittance function [YN]:
circuit approach, transversal coupling matrix, N + 2 coupling matrix, 306–307
transfer and reflection polynomials,
transversal coupling matrix, N + 2
Admittance [Y] matrices, impedance [Z]
and, multiport microwave network analysis, 174–175
Advanced modulation schemes, digital transmission, noise, 53–57
Aggressive space mapping (ASM), electromagnetic (EM) simulation technique, 546, 547–552
Air, high-power breakdown phenomena, 716–717
Allpass phase and group delay equalizer networks, 595–624
lumped-element first-order allpass equalizer, 620
second-order lumped equalizer, 621
equalization tradeoffs, 622–623
resistively terminated symmetric lattice networks, 599–601
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