Chapter 11
Ten Redstone Tricks for Survival Mode
In This Chapter
Interesting methods for improving your survival world
Making your world more efficient and automatic
Making unique additions to your buildings
Though other chapters in this book lay out all the concepts and possibilities of redstone programming, this chapter focuses on ideas for how you can apply them — specifically, in Survival mode. I discuss ten ideas for using redstone that you may find particularly useful or interesting.
Self-Harvesting Farms
As I mention in earlier chapters, many farms can be self-harvesting — automated to produce items with little to no input from you. In a game where no resource is permanent, a constant source of items is one of the most permanent ways to make progress in the game.
Figure 11-1 shows two examples of automatic wheat farms using redstone circuitry — one of the farms (top figure) requires bone meal and works much faster; the other (bottom figure) can function on its own.
To build these farms, all you have to do is ...
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