Miniaturized Analytical Devices

Book description

Miniaturized Analytical Devices

An in-depth overview of integrating functionalized nanomaterials with mass spectrometry, spectroscopy, electrophoresis, and other important analytical techniques

Miniaturized Analytical Devices: Materials and Technology is an up-to-date resource exploring the analytical applications of miniaturized technology in areas such as clinical microbiology, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and environmental analysis. The book covers the integration of functional nanomaterials in mass spectrometry, microscopy, electrophoresis, and more—providing the state-of-the-art information required for successfully implementing a range of chemical analysis techniques on microchips.

Featuring contributions from a panel of international experts in the field, the book begins with an introduction to selected miniaturized devices, nanomaterials, and analytical methods. Subsequent sections describe functionalized nanomaterials (FNMs) for miniaturized devices and discuss techniques such as miniaturized mass spectrometry for bioassays and miniaturized microscopy for cell imaging. The book concludes by exploring a variety of applications of miniaturized devices in areas including metal analysis, bioimaging, DNA separation and analysis, molecular biology, and more. This timely volume:

  • Surveys the current state of the field and provides a starting point for developing faster, more reliable, and more selective analytical devices
  • Focuses on the practical applications of miniaturized analytical devices in materials science, clinical microbiology, the pharmaceutical industry, and environmental analysis
  • Covers a wide range of materials and analytical techniques such as microvolume UV-VIS spectroscopy, microchip and capillary electrophoresis, and matrix assisted laser desorption ionization-mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) analysis
  • Discusses the role of miniaturized analytical devices in securing a green and sustainable future

Miniaturized Analytical Devices: Materials and Technology is essential reading for analytical chemists, analytical laboratories, materials scientists, biologists, life scientists, and advanced students in related fields.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Section 1: Miniaturized Devices in Analytical and Bioanalytical Sciences
    1. 1 Miniaturized Capillary Electrophoresis for the Separation and Identification of Biomolecules
      1. 1.1 Introduction
      2. 1.2 Brief Summary of MCE
      3. 1.3 Summary
      4. Acknowledgments
      5. References
    2. 2 Portable Nanomaterials Impregnated Paper-Based Sensors for Detection of Chemical Substances
      1. 2.1 Introduction
      2. 2.2 General Aspects of Nanomaterials
      3. 2.3 Synthesis of Nanomaterials
      4. 2.4 Characterization of Nanomaterials
      5. 2.5 Paper Substrate and Functional Materials
      6. 2.6 Different Types of Detection Methods
      7. 2.7 Applications of Nanomaterial-Based Paper Sensors
      8. 2.8 Conclusion and Future Prospects
      9. References
    3. 3 Miniaturized Analytical Technology in Agriculture
      1. 3.1 Introduction
      2. 3.2 Miniaturized Analytical Techniques for the Fungal Detection in Plants
      3. 3.3 Miniaturized Analytical Techniques for the Virus Detection in Plants
      4. 3.4 Miniaturized Analytical Techniques for the Bacterial Detection in Plants
      5. 3.5 Conclusion and Future Perspectives
      6. References
    4. 4 Solvent Extraction Coupled with Gas Chromatography for the Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Riverine Sediment and Surface Water of Subarnarekha River and Its Tributary, India
      1. 4.1 Introduction
      2. 4.2 Materials and Methods
      3. 4.3 Results and Discussion
      4. 4.4 Conclusions
      5. Acknowledgments
      6. References
    5. 5 Laboratory-on-a-Chip: A Multitasking Device
      1. 5.1 Introduction
      2. 5.2 History
      3. 5.3 LOC Manufacturing Technologies
      4. 5.4 Advantages of LOC Compared to Conventional Technologies
      5. 5.5 Limitations of LOC Compared to Conventional Technologies
      6. 5.6 Applications of LOC in Different Fields
      7. 5.7 Present Challenges
      8. 5.8 Conclusion and Future Perspectives
      9. References
    6. 6 Microscopic Tools for Cell Imaging
      1. 6.1 Introduction
      2. 6.2 Microscopy – History and Development
      3. 6.3 Other Considerations
      4. 6.4 Conclusions
      5. References
  5. Section 2: Functionalized Nanomaterial for Miniaturized Devices
    1. 7 Ionic Liquid–Assisted Single-Drop Microextraction: A Miniaturized Sample Preparation Tool for Various Analytes
      1. 7.1 Introduction
      2. 7.2 Ionic Liquids
      3. 7.3 Ionic Liquid–Assisted SDME for Analytes
      4. 7.4 Conclusion and Future Prospects
      5. References
    2. 8 Functionalized 2D Nanomaterials for Miniaturized Analytical Devices
      1. 8.1 Introduction
      2. 8.2 2D Nanomaterials
      3. 8.3 Functionalization Methodologies
      4. 8.4 Outlook
      5. References
    3. 9 Functionalized Materials for Miniaturized Analytical Devices
      1. 9.1 Introduction
      2. 9.2 Miniaturized Devices
      3. 9.3 Miniaturized Devices for Analysis
      4. 9.4 Applications of Nanomaterials in Miniaturized Separation Techniques
      5. 9.5 Advantages, Disadvantages, and Challenges
      6. 9.6 Conclusions
      7. Acknowledgments
      8. References
    4. 10 Microvolume UV–Visible Spectrometry for Assaying of Pesticides
      1. 10.1 Introduction
      2. 10.2 Ag NP–Based Microvolume UV–Visible Spectrometry for Analysis of Pesticides
      3. 10.3 Au NP–based Microvolume UV–Visible Spectrometry for Analysis of Pesticides
      4. 10.4 Summary
      5. References
    5. 11 Miniaturized Liquid Extractions in MALDI–MS Analysis
      1. 11.1 Introduction
      2. 11.2 MALDI/SALDI–TOF–MS Instrumentation and Ionization Expected Mechanism Before Miniaturization of Liquid Extraction by Nanoparticles
      3. 11.3 Miniaturization of Metal Nanoparticles as Affinity Probe for SDME Via MALDI–TOF–MS
      4. 11.4 Miniaturization of Nanoprobes for LLME Via MALDI–TOF–MS
      5. 11.5 Miniaturization of Nanomaterial Affinity Probes for Biomolecules Liquid Extraction
      6. 11.6 Conclusion
      7. References
    6. 12 Mechanisms and Applications of Nanopriming: New Vista for Seed Germination
      1. 12.1 Introduction to Agriculture and Green Nanotechnology
      2. 12.2 Nanopriming for Better Crop Germination
      3. 12.3 Anticipated Mechanisms Underlying Nanopriming: Plant Physiology and Molecular-Level Interactions
      4. 12.4 Current Status of Nanopriming
      5. 12.5 Conclusion
      6. References
    7. 13 Nanotechnology for Environmental Pollution Detection and Remedies
      1. 13.1 Introduction
      2. 13.2 Nanotechnology for Environmental Monitoring and Diagnosis
      3. 13.3 Nanotechnology for Environmental Remediation
      4. 13.4 Conclusion
      5. References
  6. Index
  7. End User License Agreement

Product information

  • Title: Miniaturized Analytical Devices
  • Author(s): Suresh Kumar Kailasa, Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain
  • Release date: December 2021
  • Publisher(s): Wiley-VCH
  • ISBN: 9783527347582