access codes in Bluetooth, 293
Activities in Android, 20, 29–32
adb (Android Debug Bridge), 18–19
adbd (Android Debug Bridge Daemon), 18–19
addition functions in Windows Mobile, 102
addProximityAlert method, 37, 336
Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR), 65
AdoptFromServer method, 219
AES key, 146
AF_BTH address family, 119
AIDL (Android Interface Definition Language), 21, 40
.alx manifest files, 133
Andersen, Buzz, 69
Android, 16–17
Activities, 29–32
application sandboxing, 354
Binder interfaces, 40–42
Broadcasts, 32–34
buffer overflow, 359
conclusion, 46–47
ContentProviders, 35–36
development and debugging, 17–19
files and preferences, 38–39
geolocation, 334–336
intent reflection, 37–38
IntentFilters, 28–29
Intents, ...
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