8.1 End User Service, Radio Network Layers and the Transport Layer Service

Recall Figure 4.1 from Chapter 4 stating that transport layer provides a service for the radio network layer. The topmost layer is the end user service that receives services from the radio network and transport network layers. Each involved network layer and protocol has an impact on the quality of service experienced by the end user.

8.1.1 Transport Layer Service

The end user service (voice, internet access, etc.) is provided by the mobile network as a whole (recall Figure 4.1 from Chapter 4). Transport layer provides a transport service (end to end connectivity according to QoS, resilience, security and other requirements) to the radio network layer. Transport network is a shared resource that is used by the user plane, radio network plane, transport and radio network control plane, synchronization and management plane, each having specific service requirements. See Figure 8.1.

Figure 8.1 Sources of requirements for the transport service.


As for QoS of the mobile backhaul, in this chapter we are interested in providing the transport layer service with the required QoS.

8.1.2 End-to-End QoS

End users generally are interested only in the issues that are visible to them. For QoS of the service delivered by the mobile system, it is the end user perception of the received quality that matters. Service itself ...

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