
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.


Absolute capacitance touch sensor with touch object, 76f
Absolute pressure sensor, 66
Abstract sensor, 175
Accelerometer, 10, 40–54, 108–115
calibration, 215
effect of tilt on accelerometer measurements, 43–54
one-axis tilt sensing, 48
three-axis tilt sensing, 48–54
two-axis tilt sensing, 48
g-force, 40
gravity contribution, 40–43
body moving downward (case), 43
object in free fall (case), 41–43
stationary car on a flat road (case), 40–41
I2C sensors in, 114–115, 114f
three axes of, 41f
tilt sensitivity and accelerometer orientation, 43, 45f
unit of measurement, 40
Accelerometer tilt calculation, axis for, 46f
ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface), ...

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