© Daniel Kusswurm 2020
D. KusswurmModern Arm Assembly Language Programminghttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6267-2_16

16. Armv8-64 Advanced SIMD Programming

Daniel Kusswurm1 
Geneva, IL, USA

Chapter 16 examines source code examples that carry out Advanced SIMD calculations. The first source code example demonstrates how to code convolution functions using A64 fused multiply-add (FMA) instructions. This is followed by a source example that illustrates vector cross product calculations. The final two source code examples highlight SIMD calculations using 4 × 4 matrices of single-precision floating-point values.

The assembly language functions presented in this chapter are somewhat longer than the ones you saw in previous chapters. However, you have ...

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