Chapter 8. The java.time Package

Friends don’t let friends use java.util.Date.

Tim Yates

From the beginning of the language, the standard edition library has included two classes for handling dates and times: java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar. The former is a classic example of how not to design a class. If you check the public API, practically all the methods are deprecated, and have been since Java 1.1 (roughly 1997). The deprecations recommend using Calendar instead, which isn’t much fun either.

Both predate1 the addition of enums into the language, so they use integer constants for fields like months. Both are mutable, and therefore not thread safe. To handle some issues, the library later added the java.sql.Date class as a subclass of the version in java.util, but that didn’t really address the fundamental problems.

Finally, in Java SE 8, a completely new package has been added that addressed everything. The java.time package is based on the Joda-Time library, which has been used as a free, open source alternative for years. In fact, the designers of Joda-Time helped design and build the new package, and recommend that future development take advantage of it.

The new package was developed under JSR-310: Date and Time API, and supports the ISO 8601 standard. It correctly adjusts for leap years and daylight savings rules in individual regions.

This chapter contains recipes that illustrate the usefulness of the java.time package. Hopefully they will address basic questions ...

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