Chapter 4. Shared Memory

So far you’ve been exposed to the web workers API for browsers, covered in Chapter 2, and the worker threads module for Node.js, covered in “The worker_threads Module”. These are two powerful tools for working with concurrency in JavaScript, allowing developers to run code in parallel in a way that wasn’t previously available to JavaScript.

However, the interaction you’ve had with them so far has been fairly shallow. While it’s true they allow you to run code in parallel, you’ve only done so using message-passing APIs, ultimately depending on the familiar event loop to handle the receipt of a message. This is a much less performant system than the threading code you worked with in “Threads in C: Get Rich with Happycoin” where these disparate threads are able to access the same shared memory.

This chapter covers two powerful tools available to your JavaScript applications: the Atomics object and the SharedArrayBuffer class. These allow you to share memory between two threads without depending on message passing. But before diving into a complete technical explanation for these objects, a quick introductory example is in order.

In the wrong hands, the tools covered here can be dangerous, introducing logic-defying bugs to your application that slither in the shadows during development only to rear their heads in production. But when honed and used properly, these tools allow your application to soar to new heights, squeezing never-before-seen levels of performance from your hardware.

Intro to Shared Memory

For this example you will build a very basic application that is able to communicate between two web workers. While this does require an initial bit of boilerplate using postMessage() and onmessage, subsequent updates won’t rely on such functionality.

This shared memory example will work in a browser as well as in Node.js, though the setup work required is a little different for the two of them. For now, you’ll build out an example that works in the browser, and a lot of description is provided. Later, once you’re a little more familiar, you’ll build out an example using Node.js.

Shared Memory in the Browser

To get started, create another directory to house this project in named ch4-web-workers/. Then, create an HTML file named index.html, and add the content from Example 4-1 to it.

Example 4-1. ch4-web-workers/index.html
    <title>Shared Memory Hello World</title>
    <script src="main.js"></script>

Once you’re done with that file you’re ready for the more complicated part of the application. Create a file named main.js containing the content from Example 4-2.

Example 4-2. ch4-web-workers/main.js
if (!crossOriginIsolated) { 1
  throw new Error('Cannot use SharedArrayBuffer');

const worker = new Worker('worker.js');

const buffer = new SharedArrayBuffer(1024); 2
const view = new Uint8Array(buffer); 3

console.log('now', view[0]);


setTimeout(() => {
  console.log('later', view[0]);
  console.log('prop',; 4
}, 500);

When crossOriginIsolated is true, then SharedArrayBuffer can be used.


Instantiates a 1 KB buffer.


A view into the buffer is created.


A modified property is read.

This file is similar to one that you created before. In fact, it’s still making use of a dedicated worker. But a few complexities have been added. The first new thing is the check for the crossOriginIsolated value, which is a global variable available in modern browsers. This value tells you if the JavaScript code currently being run is capable of, among other things, instantiating a SharedArrayBuffer instance.

For security reasons (related to the Spectre CPU attack), the SharedArrayBuffer object isn’t always available for instantiation. In fact, a few years ago browsers disabled this functionality entirely. Now, both Chrome and Firefox support the object and require additional HTTP headers to be set when the document is served before it will allow a SharedArrayBuffer to be instantiated. Node.js doesn’t have the same restrictions. Here are the required headers:

Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin
Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp

The test server that you’ll run automatically sets these headers. Any time you build a production-ready application that uses SharedArrayBuffer instances you’ll need to remember to set these headers.

After a dedicated worker is instantiated, an instance of a SharedArrayBuffer is also instantiated. The argument that follows, 1,024 in this case, is the number of bytes allocated to the buffer. Unlike other arrays or buffer objects you might be familiar with, these buffers cannot shrink or grow in size after they’ve been created.1

A view to work with the buffer named view has also been created. Such views are covered extensively in “SharedArrayBuffer and TypedArrays”, but for now, think of them as a way to read from and write to a buffer.

This view into the buffer allows us to read from it using the array index syntax. In this case, we’re able to inspect the 0th byte in the buffer by logging a call to view[0]. After that, the buffer instance is passed into the worker using the worker.postMessage() method. In this case the buffer is the only thing being passed in. However, a more complex object could have been passed in as well, with the buffer being one of the properties. Whereas the algorithm discussed in the Appendix mostly clobbers complex objects, instances of SharedArrayBuffer are an intentional exception.

Once the script is finished with the setup work, it schedules a function to run in 500 ms. This script prints the 0th byte of the buffer again and also attempts to print a property attached to the buffer named .foo. Note that this file otherwise does not have a worker.onmessage handler defined.

Now that you’re finished with the main JavaScript file you’re ready to create the worker. Make a file named worker.js and add the content from Example 4-3 to it.

Example 4-3. ch4-web-workers/worker.js
self.onmessage = ({data: buffer}) => { = 42; 1
  const view = new Uint8Array(buffer);
  view[0] = 2; 2
  console.log('updated in worker');

A property on the buffer object is written.


The 0th index is set to the number 2.

This file attaches a handler for the onmessage event, which is run after the .postMessage() method in main.js is fired. Once called, the buffer argument is grabbed. The first thing that happens in the handler is that a .foo property is attached to the SharedArrayBuffer instance. Next, another view is created for the buffer. After that the buffer is updated through the view. Once that’s done, a message is printed so that you can see what has happened.

Now that your files are complete, you’re ready to run your new application. Open up a terminal window and run the following command. It’s a little different than the serve commands you ran before because it needs to provide the security headers:

$ npx MultithreadedJSBook/serve .

As before, open the link displayed in your terminal. Next, open the web inspector and visit the Console tab. You might not see any output; if so, refresh the page to execute the code again. You should see logs printed from the application. An example of the output has been reproduced in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1. Example console output
Log Location

now 0


updated in worker


later 2


prop undefined


The first printed line is the initial value of the buffer as seen in main.js. In this case the value is 0. Next, the code in worker.js is run, though the timing of this is mostly indeterminate. About half a second later, the value as perceived in main.js is printed again, and the value is now set to 2. Again, notice that other than the initial setup work, no message passing happened between the thread running the main.js file and the thread running the worker.js file.


This is a very simple example that, while it works, is not how you would normally write multithreaded code. There is no guarantee that the value updated in worker.js would be visible in main.js. For example, a clever JavaScript engine could treat the value as a constant, though you’d be hard-pressed to find a browser where this doesn’t happen.

After the buffer value is printed, the .foo property is also printed and a value of undefined is displayed. Why might this be? Well, while it’s true that a reference to the memory location that stores the binary data contained in the buffer has been shared between the two JavaScript environments, the actual object itself has not been shared. If it had been, this would violate the constraint of the structured clone algorithm wherein object references cannot be shared between threads.

Shared Memory in Node.js

The Node.js equivalent of this application is mostly similar; however, the Worker global provided by browsers isn’t available, and the worker thread won’t make use of self.onmessage. Instead, the worker threads module must be required to gain access to this functionality. Since Node.js isn’t a browser the index.html file isn’t applicable.

To create a Node.js equivalent, you’ll only need two files, which can be put in the same ch4-web-workers/ folder you’ve been using. First, create a main-node.js script, and add the content from Example 4-4 to it.

Example 4-4. ch4-web-workers/main-node.js
#!/usr/bin/env node

const { Worker } = require('worker_threads');
const worker = new Worker(__dirname + '/worker-node.js');

const buffer = new SharedArrayBuffer(1024);
const view = new Uint8Array(buffer);

console.log('now', view[0]);


setTimeout(() => {
  console.log('later', view[0]);
}, 500);

The code is a little different, but it should feel mostly familiar. Because the Worker global isn’t available, it is instead accessed by pulling the .Worker property from the required worker_threads module. When instantiating the worker a more explicit path to the worker must be provided than what is accepted by browsers. In this case the path ./worker-node.js was required, even though browsers are fine with just worker.js. Other than that, the main JavaScript file for this Node.js example is mostly unchanged when compared to the browser equivalent. The final worker.unref() call was added to prevent the worker from keeping the process running forever.

Next, create a file named worker-node.js, which will contain the Node.js equivalent of the browser worker. Add the content from Example 4-5 to this file.

Example 4-5. ch4-web-workers/worker-node.js
const { parentPort } = require('worker_threads');

parentPort.on('message', (buffer) => { = 42;
  const view = new Uint8Array(buffer);
  view[0] = 2;
  console.log('updated in worker');

In this case the self.onmessage value isn’t available to the worker. Instead, the worker_threads module is required again, and the .parentPort property from the module is used. This is used to represent a connection to the port from the calling JavaScript environment.

The .onmessage handler can be assigned to the parentPort object, and the method .on('message', cb) can be called. If using both, they’ll be called in the order that they were used. The callback function for the message event receives the object being passed in (buffer in this case) directly as an argument, while the onmessage handler provides a MessageEvent instance with a .data property containing buffer. Which approach you use mostly depends on personal preference.

Other than that the code is exactly the same between Node.js and the browser, the same applicable globals like SharedArrayBuffer are still available, and they still work the same for the sake of this example.

Now that these files are complete, you can run them using this command:

$ node main-node.js

The output from this command should be equivalent to the output in Table 4-1 as displayed in the browser. Again, the same structured clone algorithm allows instances of SharedArrayBuffer to be passed along, but only the underlying binary buffer data, not a direct reference to the object itself.

SharedArrayBuffer and TypedArrays

Traditionally the JavaScript language didn’t really support interaction with binary data. Sure, there were strings, but they really abstracted the underlying data storage mechanism. There were also arrays, but those can contain values of any type and aren’t appropriate for representing binary buffers. For many years that was sort of “good enough,” especially before the advent of Node.js and the popularity of running JavaScript outside of a web page context took off.

The Node.js runtime is, among other things, capable of reading and writing to the filesystem, streaming data to and from the network, and so on. Such interactions are not only limited to ASCII-based text files but can also include piping binary data as well. Since there wasn’t a convenient buffer data structure available, the authors created their own. Thus, the Node.js Buffer was born.

As the boundaries of the JavaScript language itself were pushed, so too grew the APIs and the capabilities of the language to interact with the world outside of the browser window. Eventually the ArrayBuffer object and later the SharedArrayBuffer object were created and are now a core part of the language. Most likely, if Node.js were created today, it would not have created its own Buffer implementation.

Instances of ArrayBuffer and SharedArrayBuffer represent a buffer of binary data that is of fixed length and cannot be resized. While the two are quite similar, it is the latter that will be the focus of this section because it allows applications to share memory across threads. Binary data, while ubiquitous and a first-class concept in many traditional programming languages like C, can be easy to misunderstand, especially for developers using high-level languages such as JavaScript.

Just in case you haven’t had experience with it, binary is a system of counting that is 2 based, which at the lowest level is represented as 1s and 0s. Each of these numbers is referred to as a bit. Decimal, the system humans mostly use for counting, is 10 based and is represented with numerals from 0 to 9. A combination of 8 bits is referred to as a byte and is often the smallest addressable value in memory since it’s usually easier to deal with than individual bits. Basically, this means CPUs (and programmers) work with bytes instead of individual bits.

These bytes are often represented as two hexadecimal characters, which is a 16 based system of counting using the numerals 0–9 and the letters A–F. In fact, when you log an instance of an ArrayBuffer using Node.js, the resulting output displays the value of the buffer using hexadecimal.

Given an arbitrary set of bytes that is stored on disk, or even in a computer’s memory, it’s a little ambiguous what the data means. For example, what might the hexadecimal value 0x54 (the 0x prefix in JavaScript means the value is in hexadecimal) represent? Well, if it’s part of a string, it might mean the capital letter T. However, if it represents an integer, it might mean the decimal number 84. It might even refer to a memory location, part of a pixel in a JPEG image, or any other number of things. The context here is very important. That same number, represented in binary, looks like 0b01010100 (the 0b prefix represents binary).

Keeping this ambiguity in mind, it’s also important to mention that the contents of an ArrayBuffer (and SharedArrayBuffer) can’t be directly modified. Instead, a “view” into the buffer must first be created. Also, unlike other languages which might provide access to abandoned memory, when an ArrayBuffer in JavaScript is instantiated the contents of the buffer are initialized to 0. Considering these buffer objects only store numeric data, they truly are a very elementary tool for data storage, one that more complicated systems are often built upon.

Both ArrayBuffer and SharedArrayBuffer inherit from Object and come with those associated methods. Other than that, they come with two properties. The first is the read-only value .byteLength, representing the byte length of the buffer, and the second is the .slice(begin, end) method, which returns a copy of the buffer depending on the range that is provided.

The begin value of .slice() is inclusive, while the end value is exclusive, and is notably different than, say, String#substr(begin, length), where the second parameter is a length. If the begin value is omitted, it defaults to the first element, and if the end value is omitted, it defaults to the last element. Negative numbers represent values from the end of the buffer.

Here’s an example of some basic interaction with an ArrayBuffer:

const ab = new ArrayBuffer(8);
const view = new Uint8Array(ab)
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) view[i] = i;
// Uint8Array(8) [
//   0, 1, 2, 3,
//   4, 5, 6, 7
// ]
ab.byteLength; // 8
ab.slice(); // 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
ab.slice(4, 6); // 4, 5
ab.slice(-3, -2); // 5

Different JavaScript environments display the contents of an ArrayBuffer instance differently. Node.js displays a list of hexadecimal pairs as if the data were going to be viewed as a Uint8Array. Chrome v88 displays an expandable object with several different views. Firefox, however, won’t display the data, and will need to first be passed through a view.

The term view has been mentioned in a few places, and now is a good time to define it. Due to the ambiguity of what binary data can mean, we need to use a view to read and write to the underlying buffer. There are several of these views available in JavaScript. Each of these views extends from a base class called TypedArray. This class can’t be instantiated directly and isn’t available as a global, but it can be accessed by grabbing the .prototype property from an instantiated child class.

Table 4-2 contains a list of the view classes that extend from TypedArray.

Table 4-2. Classes that extend TypedArray
Class Bytes Minimum Value Maximum Value













































The Class column is the name of the class that is available for instantiation. These classes are globals and are accessible in any modern JavaScript engine. The Bytes column is the number of bytes that are used to represent each individual element in the view. The Minimum Value and Maximum Value columns display the valid numeric ranges that can be used to represent an element in the buffer.

When creating one of these views, the ArrayBuffer instance is passed into the constructor of the view. The buffer byte length must be a multiple of the element byte length used by the particular view that it’s being passed into. For example, if an ArrayBuffer composed of 6 bytes were created, it is acceptable to pass that into an Int16Array (byte length of 2) because this will represent three Int16 elements. However, the same 6-byte buffer cannot be passed into an Int32Array because it would represent one and a half elements, which isn’t valid.

The names of these views might be familiar if you’ve programmed with lower-level languages such as C or Rust.

The U prefix to half of these classes refers to unsigned, which means that only positive numbers may be represented. Classes without the U prefix are signed and so negative and positive numbers may be represented, though with only half the maximum value. This is because a signed number uses the first bit to represent the “sign,” conveying if the number is positive or negative.

The numeric range limitations come from the amount of data that can be stored in a single byte to uniquely identify a number. Much like with decimal, numbers are counted from zero on up to the base, and then roll over to a number on the left. So, for a Uint8 number, or an “unsigned integer represented by 8 bits,” the maximum value (0b11111111) is equal to 255.

JavaScript doesn’t have an integer data type, only its Number type, which is an implementation of the IEEE 754 floating-point number. It is equivalent to the Float64 data type. Otherwise, any time a JavaScript Number is written to one of these views, some sort of conversion process needs to happen.

When a value is written to Float64Array, it can be left mostly as the same. The minimum allowed value is the same as Number.MIN_VALUE, while the maximum is Number.MAX_VALUE. When a value is written to a Float32Array, not only are the minimum and maximum value ranges reduced but the decimal precision will be truncated as well.

As an example of this, consider the following code:

const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(16);

const view64 = new Float64Array(buffer);
view64[0] = 1.1234567890123456789; // bytes 0 - 7
console.log(view64[0]); // 1.1234567890123457

const view32 = new Float32Array(buffer);
view32[2] = 1.1234567890123456789; // bytes 8 - 11
console.log(view32[2]); // 1.1234568357467651

In this case, the decimal precision for the float64 number is accurate to the 15th decimal, while the precision for the float32 number is only accurate to the 6th decimal.

This code exemplifies another thing of interest. In this case, there is a single ArrayBuffer instance named buffer, and yet there are two different TypedArray instances that point to this buffer data. Can you think of what’s weird with this? Figure 4-1 might give you a hint.

Two TypedArray views pointing at a single ArrayBuffer
Figure 4-1. Single ArrayBuffer and multiple TypeArray views

What do you think will be returned if you were to read either view64[1], view32[0], or view32[1]? In this case, a truncated version of the memory used to store data of one type will be combined, or split, to represent data of another type. The values returned are interpreted in the wrong way and are nonsensical, though they should be deterministic and consistent.

When numeric values that are outside of the range of the supported TypedArray for nonfloats are written, they need to go through some sort of conversion process to fit the target data type. First, the number must be converted into an integer, as if it were passed into Math.trunc(). If the value falls outside of the acceptable range, then it wraps around and resets at 0 as if using the modulus (%) operator. Here are some examples of this happening with a Uint8Array (which is a TypedArray with a max element value of 255):

const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
const view = new Uint8Array(buffer);
view[0] = 255;    view[1] = 256;
view[2] = 257;    view[3] = -1;
view[4] = 1.1;    view[5] = 1.999;
view[6] = -1.1;   view[7] = -1.9;

Table 4-3 contains a list of the values output on the second line, with their correlating values on the first line.

Table 4-3. TypedArray conversions



















This behavior is a little different for Uint8ClampedArray. When a negative value is written, it is converted into 0. When a value greater than 255 is written, it’s converted into 255. When a noninteger value is provided, it’s instead passed to Math.round(). Depending on your use case, it may make more sense to use this view.

Finally, the BigInt64Array and BigUint64Array entries also deserve some special attention. Unlike the other TypedArray views, which work with the Number type, these two variants work with the BigInt type (1 is a Number while 1n is a BigInt). This is because the numeric values that can be represented using 64 bytes fall out of the range of the numbers than can be represented using JavaScript’s Number. For that reason, setting a value with these views must be done with a BigInt, and the values retrieved will also be of type BigInt.

In general, using multiple TypedArray views, especially those of different sizes, to look into the same buffer instance is a dangerous thing and should be avoided when possible. You might find that you accidentally clobber some data when performing different operations. It is possible to pass more than one SharedArrayBuffer between threads, so if you find yourself needing to mix types, then you might benefit from having more than one buffer.

Now that you’re familiar with the basics of ArrayBuffer and SharedArrayBuffer you’re ready to interact with them using a more complex API.

Atomic Methods for Data Manipulation

Atomicity is a term that you might have heard before, particularly when it comes to databases, where it’s the first word in the acronym ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability). Essentially, if an operation is atomic, it means that while the overall operation may be composed of multiple smaller steps, the overall operation is guaranteed to either entirely succeed or entirely fail. For example, a single query sent to a database is going to be atomic, but three separate queries aren’t atomic.

Then again, if those three queries are wrapped in a database transaction, then the whole lot becomes atomic; either all three queries run successfully, or none run successfully. It’s also important that the operations are executed in a particular order, assuming they manipulate the same state or otherwise have any side effects than can affect each other. The isolation part means that other operations can’t run in the middle; for example, a read can’t occur when only some of the operations have been applied.

Atomic operations are very important in computing, especially when it comes to distributed computing. Databases, which may have many client connections, need to support atomic operations. Distributed systems, where many nodes on a network communicate, also need to support atomic operations. Extrapolating that idea a little, even within a single computer where data access is shared across multiple threads, atomicity is important.

JavaScript provides a global object named Atomics with several static methods available on it. This global follows the same pattern as the familiar Math global. In either case you can’t use the new operator to create a new instance, and the available methods are stateless, not affecting the global itself. Instead, with Atomics, they’re used by passing in a reference to the data that is to be modified.

The rest of this section lists all but three of the methods that are available on the Atomics object. The remaining methods are covered in “Atomic Methods for Coordination”. With the exception of Atomics.isLockFree(), all of these methods accept a TypedArray instance as the first argument and the index to act upon as the second argument.


old = Atomics.add(typedArray, index, value)

This method adds the provided value to the existing value in a typedArray that is located at index. The old value is returned. Here’s what the nonatomic version might look like:

const old = typedArray[index];
typedArray[index] = old + value;
return old;


old = Atomics.and(typedArray, index, value)

This method performs a bitwise and using value with the existing value in typedArray located at index. The old value is returned. Here’s what the nonatomic version might look like:

const old = typedArray[index];
typedArray[index] = old & value;
return old;


old = Atomics.compareExchange(typedArray, index, oldExpectedValue, value)

This method checks typedArray to see if the value oldExpectedValue is located at index. If it is, then the value is replaced with value. If not, then nothing happens. The old value is always returned, so you can tell if the exchange succeeded if oldExpectedValue === old. Here’s what the nonatomic version might look like:

const old = typedArray[index];
if (old === oldExpectedValue) {
  typedArray[index] = value;
return old;

old =, index, value)

This method sets the value in typedArray located at index to value. The old value is returned. Here’s what the nonatomic version might look like:

const old = typedArray[index];
typedArray[index] = value;
return old;


free = Atomics.isLockFree(size)

This method returns a true if size is a value that appears as the BYTES_PER_ELEMENT for any of the TypedArray subclasses (usually 1, 2, 4, 8), and a false if otherwise.2 If true, then using the Atomics methods will be quite fast using the current system’s hardware. If false, then the application might want to use a manual locking mechanism, like what is covered in “Mutex: A Basic Lock”, especially if performance is the main concern.


value = Atomics.load(typedArray, index)

This method returns the value in typedArray located at index. Here’s what the nonatomic version might look like:

const old = typedArray[index];
return old;


old = Atomics.or(typedArray, index, value)

This method performs a bitwise or using value with the existing value in typedArray located at index. The old value is returned. Here’s what the nonatomic version might look like:

const old = typedArray[index];
typedArray[index] = old | value;
return old;

value =, index, value)

This method stores the provided value in typedArray located at index. The value that was passed in is then returned. Here’s what the nonatomic version might look like:

typedArray[index] = value;
return value;


old = Atomics.sub(typedArray, index, value)

This method subtracts the provided value from the existing value in typedArray that is located at index. The old value is returned. Here’s what the nonatomic version might look like:

const old = typedArray[index];
typedArray[index] = old - value;
return old;


old = Atomics.xor(typedArray, index, value)

This method performs a bitwise xor using value with the existing value in typedArray located at index. The old value is returned. Here’s what the nonatomic version might look like:

const old = typedArray[index];
typedArray[index] = old ^ value;
return old;

Atomicity Concerns

The methods covered in “Atomic Methods for Data Manipulation” are each guaranteed to execute atomically. For example, consider the Atomics.compareExchange() method. This method takes an oldExpectedValue and a new value, replacing the existing value only if it equals oldExpectedValue with the new value. While this operation would take several individual statements to represent with JavaScript, it’s guaranteed that the overall operation will always execute entirely.

To illustrate this, imagine you have a Uint8Array named typedArray, and the 0th element is set to 7. Then, imagine that multiple threads have access to that same typedArray, and each of them executes some variant of the following line of code:

let old1 = Atomics.compareExchange(typedArray, 0, 7, 1); // Thread #1
let old2 = Atomics.compareExchange(typedArray, 0, 7, 2); // Thread #2

It’s entirely nondeterministic the order that these three methods are called in, or even the timing of their calls. In fact, they could be called simultaneously! However, with the atomicity guarantee of the Atomics object, it’s guaranteed that exactly one of the threads will have the initial 7 value returned, while the other thread will get the updated value of 1 or 2 returned. A timeline of how these operations work can be seen in Figure 4-2, with the CEX(oldExpectedValue, value) being a shorthand for Atomics.compareExchange().

Multiple calls to Atomics.compareExchange() are atomic.
Figure 4-2. Atomic form of Atomics.compareExchange()

On the other hand, if you’re using the nonatomic equivalent of compareExchange(), such as reading and writing to typedArray[0] directly, it is entirely possible that the program will accidentally clobber a value. In this case both threads read the existing value at about the same time, then they both see that the original value is present, then they both write at about the same time. Here is an annotated version of the nonatomic compareExchange() code again:

const old = typedArray[0]; // GET()
if (old === oldExpectedValue) {
  typedArray[0] = value;   // SET(value)

This code performs multiple interactions with shared data, notably the line where the data is retrieved (labeled as GET()) and later where the data is later set (labeled as SET(value)). For this code to function properly it would need a guarantee that other threads aren’t able to read or write to the value while the code is running. This guarantees that only one thread gets exclusive access to shared resources is called a critical section.

Figure 4-3 shows a timeline of how this code might run, as is, without the exclusive access guarantees.

Nonatomic calls result in data loss.
Figure 4-3. Nonatomic form of Atomics.compareExchange()

In this case both threads think they have successfully set the value, but the desired outcome only persists for the second thread. This class of bug is referred to as a race condition, where two or more threads are racing against each other to perform some action.3 The worst thing about these bugs is that they don’t happen consistently, are notoriously hard to reproduce, and may only happen in one environment, such as a production server, and not another environment, like your development laptop.

To benefit from the atomic properties of the Atomics object when interacting with an array buffer, you’ll need to take care when mixing Atomics calls with direct array buffer access. If one thread of your application is using the compareExchange() method, and another thread is directly reading and writing to the same buffer location, then the safety mechanisms will have been defeated and your application will have nondeterministic behavior. Essentially, when using Atomics calls, there’s an implicit lock in place to make interactions convenient.

Sadly, not all of the operations you’ll need to perform with shared memory can be represented using the Atomics methods. When that happens you’ll need to come up with a more manual locking mechanism, allowing you to read and write freely and preventing other threads from doing so. This concept is covered later in “Mutex: A Basic Lock”.

Data Serialization

Buffers are extremely powerful tools. That said, working with them from an entirely numeric point of view can start to get a little difficult. Sometimes you’ll need to store things that represent nonnumeric data using a buffer. When this happens you’ll need to serialize that data in some manner before writing it to the buffer, and you’ll later need to deserialize it when reading from the buffer.

Depending on the type of data that you’d like to represent, there will be different tools that you can use to serialize it. Some tools will work for different situations, but each comes with different trade-offs with regard to storage size and serialization performance.


Booleans are easy to represent because they take a single bit to store the data, and a bit is less than a byte. So you can then create one of the smallest views, such as a Uint8Array, then point it at an ArrayBuffer with a byte length of 1, and be set. Of course, the interesting thing here is that you can then store up to eight of these booleans using a single byte. In fact, if you’re dealing with a ton of boolean values, you might be able to outperform the JavaScript engine by storing large numbers of them in a buffer since there is additional metadata overhead for each boolean instance. Figure 4-4 shows a list of booleans represented as a byte.

Bits are ordered from right to left
Figure 4-4. Boolean values stored in a byte

When storing data in individual bits like this, it’s best to start with the least significant bit, e.g., the bit farthest to the right labeled 0, then move on to more significant bits if you find yourself adding more booleans to the byte that you’re storing them in. The reason for this is simple: as the number of booleans you need to store grows, so too will the size of the buffer, and existing bit locations should remain correct. While the buffer itself can’t grow dynamically, newer releases of your application might need to instantiate large buffers.

If the buffer that stores the booleans is today 1 byte, and tomorrow 2 bytes, by using the least significant digits first the decimal representation of the data will remain either a 0 or a 1. However, if the most significant digit were used, then today the value might be 0 and 128, while tomorrow it might be 32,768 and 0. This could potentially cause issues if you’re persisting these values somewhere and using them between releases.

The following is an example of how to store and retrieve these boolean values so that they’re backed in an ArrayBuffer:

const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(1);
const view = new Uint8Array(buffer);
function setBool(slot, value) {
  view[0] = (view[0] & ~(1 << slot)) | ((value|0) << slot);
function getBool(slot) {
  return !((view[0] & (1 << slot)) === 0);

This code creates a one-byte buffer (0b00000000 in binary) then creates a view into the buffer. To set the value in the least significant digit in the ArrayBuffer to true, you would use the call setBool(0, true). To set the second least significant digit to false, you would call setBool(1, false). To retrieve the values stored at the third least significant digit, you would then call getBool(2).

The setBool() function works by taking the boolean value and converting it into an integer (value|0 converts false to 0 and true to 1). Then it “shifts the value left” by adding zeros to the right based on which slot to store it in (0b1<<0 stays 0b1, 0b1<<1 becomes 0b10, etc.). It also takes the number 1 and shifts it based on the slot (so 0b1000 if the slot is 3), then inverts the bits (using ~), and gets a new value by AND-ing (&) the existing value with this new value (view[0] & ~(1 << slot)). Finally, the modified old value and the new shifted values are OR-ed together (|) and assigned to view[0]. Basically, it reads the existing bits, replaces the appropriate bit, and writes the bits back.

The getBool() function works by taking the number 1, shifting it based on the slot, then using & to compare it to the existing value. The shifted value (on the right of &) only contains a single 1 and seven 0s. The AND-ing between this modified value and the existing value returns either a number representing the value of the shifted slot, assuming the value at the slot position located at view[0] was truthy; otherwise, it returns 0. This value is then checked to see if it is exactly equal to 0 (===0), and the result of that is negated (!). Basically, it returns the value of the bit at slot.

This code has some shortcomings and shouldn’t necessarily be used in production. For example, it isn’t meant for working with buffers that are larger than a single byte, and you’ll encounter undefined behavior when reading or writing to entries past 7. A production-ready version would consider the size of storage and do bounds checking, but that’s an exercise left to the reader.


Strings aren’t as easy to encode as they may seem at first glance. It’s easy to assume that each character in a string can be represented using a single byte, and that the .length property of a string is sufficient to choose the size of a buffer to store it in. While this may seem to work sometimes, particularly with simple strings, you’ll soon encounter errors when dealing with more complex data.

The reason this will work with simple strings is that data represented using ASCII does allow a single character to fit into a single byte. In fact, in the C programming language, the data storage type that represents a single byte of data is referred to as a char.

There are many ways to encode individual characters using strings. With ASCII the entire range of characters can be represented with a byte, but in a world of many cultures, languages, and emojis, it’s absolutely impossible to represent all these characters in such a manner. Instead, we use encoding systems where a variable number of bytes can be used to represent a single character. Internally, JavaScript engines use a variety of encoding formats to represent strings depending on the situation, and the complexity of this is hidden from our applications. One possible internal format is UTF-16, which uses 2 or 4 bytes to represent a character, or even up to 14 bytes to represent certain emojis. A more universal standard is UTF-8, which uses 1 to 4 bytes of storage per character and is backwards compatible with ASCII.

The following is an example of what happens when a string is iterated using its .length property and the resulting values are mapped to a Uint8Array instance:

// Warning: Antipattern!
function stringToArrayBuffer(str) {
  const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(str.length);
  const view = new Uint8Array(buffer);
  for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
    view[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
  return view;

stringToArrayBuffer('foo'); // Uint8Array(3) [ 102, 111, 111 ]
stringToArrayBuffer('€');   // Uint8Array(1) [ 172 ]

In this case storing the basic string foo is fine. However, the character, which is really represented by the value 8,364, is greater than the maximum 255 value supported by Uint8Array and has accordingly been truncated to 172. Converting that number back into a character gives the wrong value.

An API is available to modern JavaScript for encoding and decoding strings directly to ArrayBuffer instances. This API is provided by the globals TextEncoder and TextDecoder, both of which are constructors and are globally available in modern JavaScript environments including browsers and Node.js. These APIs encode and decode using the UTF-8 encoding due to its ubiquity.

Here’s an example of how to safely encode strings into the UTF-8 encoding using this API:

const enc = new TextEncoder();
enc.encode('foo'); // Uint8Array(3) [ 102, 111, 111 ]
enc.encode('€');   // Uint8Array(3) [ 226, 130, 172 ]

And here’s how to decode such values:

const ab = new ArrayBuffer(3);
const view = new Uint8Array(ab);
view[0] = 226; view[1] = 130; view[2] = 172;
const dec = new TextDecoder();
dec.decode(view); // '€'
dec.decode(ab);   // '€'

Notice that TextDecoder#decode() works with either the Uint8Array view, or with the underlying ArrayBuffer instance. This makes it convenient to decode data that you might get from a network call without the need to first wrap it in a view.


Considering that objects can already be represented as strings using JSON, you do have the option of taking an object that you’d like to make use of across two threads, serializing it into a JSON string, and writing that string to an array buffer using the same TextEncoder API that you worked with in the previous section. This can essentially be performed by running the following code:

const enc = new TextEncoder();
return enc.encode(JSON.stringify(obj));

JSON takes a JavaScript object and converts it into a string representation. When this happens, there are many redundancies in the output format. If you wanted to reduce the size of a payload even more, you could make use of a format like MessagePack, which is able to reduce the size of a serialized object even more by representing object metadata using binary data. This makes tools like MessagePack not necessarily a good fit in situations where plain text is appropriate, like an email, but in situations where binary buffers are passed around it might not be as bad. The msgpack5 npm package is a browser and Node.js compatible package for doing just that.

That said, the performance trade-offs when communicating between threads is not usually due to the size of the payload being transferred, but is more than likely due to the cost of serializing and deserializing payloads. For that reason it’s usually better to pass simpler data representations between threads. Even when it comes to passing objects between threads, you might find that the structured clone algorithm, combined with the .onmessage and .postMessage methods, is going to be faster and safer than serializing objects and writing them to buffers.

If you do find yourself building an application that serializes and deserializes objects and writes them to a SharedArrayBuffer, you might want to reconsider some of the architecture of the application. You’re almost always better off finding a way to take objects that you’re passing around, serializing them using lower-level types, and passing those along instead.

1 This restriction may change in the future; see “In-Place Resizable and Growable ArrayBuffers” for a proposal.

2 If running JavaScript on rare hardware, it is possible that this method may return a false for 1, 2, or 8. That said, 4 will always return true.

3 It’s possible, with the way code is compiled, ordered, and executed, that a racy program can fail in a way that can’t be explained by this diagram of interleaving steps. When this happens you may end up with a value that defies all expectations.

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