


$rows_affected = $statement_handle->execute;
$rows_affected = $statement_handle->execute(@bind_values);

DBI::execute executes the SQL statement held in the statement handle. For a non-SELECT query, the function returns the number of rows affected. The function returns `-1’ if the number of rows is not known. For a SELECT query, some true value is returned upon success. If arguments are provided, they are used to fill in any placeholders in the statement (see DBI::prepare).


use DBI;
my $db = DBI->connect('DBI:mSQL:mydata',undef,undef);
my $statement_handle = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM mytable");
my $statement_handle2 = $db->prepare("SELECT name, date FROM myothertable
   WHERE name like ?");

# The first statement has now been performed. The values can now be accessed
# through the statement handle.

# The second statement has now been executed as the following:
# SELECT name, date FROM myothertable WHERE name like 'J%'

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