abbreviations, 6

access tokens, 156

accusative form, 188

acomp label, 26

add_info() function, 165

AI ecosystem, xvi

amod label, 26

antecedents, 122125

API keys, 156

application logic, 130132

authentication tokens, 156

aux label, 26

auxiliary verbs, 188


bind variables, 137

bot channels, 156166

BotFather, 157158


callback functions, 159

cancel() function, 165

categorization tasks, 7071

cdef functions, 45


context and, 9195

database-powered, 132139

deploying, 156166

questions for, 5660

testing, 181182

word sequence patterns in, 8386

children, 186

chunks, 3335

Clarifai, 176183

clausal complements, 56

C-level data structures, 4246

CNNs (convolutional neural networks), 11

coarse-grained parts of speech tags, 22, 49 ...

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