IDL custom attribute recognized by type library importer, 692–693
IDL definition of IHTMLStyleSheet interface, 988–989
IDL definition of IRunningAppCollection, 975–976
IDL definition of the IWMPEffects interface, 964
IDL definitions of INetMeetingEvents dispinterface and INetMeeting interface, 1007–1008
IDL representation of the AddressLists dispinterface, 982
IDL Representation of Two Modules, 187–188
IEnumVARIANT parameters transformed to IEnumerator types, 153
implementing System.Reflection.Ireflect, 668–672
implementing two COM interfaces, 636, 643–646
Importer.cs., 1070–1083
Incorrect C# Source Code, 546–547
Instantiating a Remote COM Object, 871, 873–874
Interface Hierarchy Exported to COM, 744–746
IntroScreen.cs., 1156–1157
Invoking an ...
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