Installing VSS

This section outlines the commands used to enable VSS from a pair of standalone 6509-V-E switches. We will build a cluster with the configuration shown in Figure 17-9.

VSS layout including PaGP-capable switch

Figure 17-9. VSS layout including PaGP-capable switch

Since the switches start as standalone switches, we need to start configuring them individually. Once we’ve done that, I’ll show the matching configuration for the switch on the right. First, we need to put the switch into stateful failover mode, which we do as follows:

6509-VE-Left#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
6509-VE-Left(config-red)#mode ?
  rpr  Route Processor Redundancy
  sso  Stateful Switchover
6509-VE-Left(config-red)#mode sso

You can view the redundancy state with the show redundancy states command:

6509-VE-Left#sho redundancy states
       my state = 13 -ACTIVE
     peer state = 1  -DISABLED
           Mode = Simplex
           Unit = Primary
        Unit ID = 5

Redundancy Mode (Operational) = sso
Redundancy Mode (Configured)  = sso
Redundancy State              = Non Redundant
     Maintenance Mode = Disabled
 Communications = Down      Reason: Simplex mode

   client count = 135
 client_notification_TMR = 30000 milliseconds
          keep_alive TMR = 9000 milliseconds
        keep_alive count = 0
    keep_alive threshold = 18
           RF debug mask = 0x0

If the router will be running OSPF, you should add the following commands to the OSPF configuration. (We’re not concerned ...

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