Chapter 7Dual Frequency Millimeter Feed1




7.1. Introduction

The antenna presented in this chapter is a corrugated horn which should be installed onboard a satellite. It is a non-standard antenna due to its performance. As with many satellite antennas, the requirements are very stringent. In addition, in this case, the antenna should work out of its nominal frequency band. The design uses original and non-standard solutions in order to overcome this difficulty. The different roles of the horn sections and their relative contributions to the feed parameters and performances are presented. The optimization process obtaining the final design detailed. Comparison between simulations results and measurements are presented.

7.2. Overview

The antenna to be designed is part of a radiometer onboard a satellite. This equipment is dedicated to be used for climatological purposes. Many frequency bands are included in order to get some information on the temperature, clouds, rain, etc. The different capabilities of the equipment will not be discussed here, the main object of this chapter being the design of an antenna operating at two frequency bands around 54 and 118 GHz. This antenna must analyze the same far-field region in the atmosphere. To do this it is quite natural to use the same radiating aperture. The requirement was consequently the design of a dual band millimeter antenna. As shown in Figure 7.1, the equipment is composed of several other feeds located in the vicinity of the ...

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