In this section, we will prepare a few programs based on matrices. Now let us start with diagonal matrix.

21.1.1 Diagonal matrix

A matrix is said to be diagonal if and only if all the non-diagonal elements are zero. It means A[i][j] == 0 for all i &j such that i j.

Problem: Write a program to test if a matrix is diagonal or not.

Solution: Let us first prepare a header file to define class matrix. Then we will use it in the main program. See the header file given below and Program 21.1.

Header file matrix4.h

 // matrix4.h



const int MAX = 10 ;

class Mat10

  { protected:

 int X[MAX][MAX];

           int N ;

    public :

      friend void multiply(Mat10 A, Mat10 B, Mat10 &C);

      void ...

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