9.6. Evaluation example of a 1-MW 2L-VSC

The design of a 1-MW 2L-VSC is considered as a design example in order to illustrate how to apply the proposed methodology. The system parameters, design constraints and reference models used in the example are indicated in Table 9.7. The three modulation strategies presented in Section 9.5.1 are compared for each operation mode of the 2L-VSC (rectifier or inverter). Even more, to simplify the selection of the devices, only the IGBT modules presented in Table 9.2 are considered.

Table 9.7

System parameters and design constraints for the design example 1-MW 2L-VSC

Nominal powerPN1 MWSafety factor for DC voltagekvdc0.65
Nominal line-to-line RMS voltageVLL,N690 VSafety ...

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