images In Chapter 5 we learned that total quality management (TQM) addresses organizational quality from managerial and philosophical viewpoints. TQM focuses on customer-driven quality standards, managerial leadership, continuous improvement, quality built into product and process design, identifying quality problems at the source, and making quality everyone's responsibility. However, talking about solving quality problems is not enough. We need specific tools that can help us make the right quality decisions. These tools come from the field of statistics and are used to help identify quality problems in the production process as well as in the product itself. Statistical quality control is the subject of this chapter.

images Statistica1 quality control (SQC)

The general category of statistical tools used to evaluate organizational quality.

images Descriptive statistics

Statistics used to describe quality characteristics and relationships.

Statistica1 quality control (SQC) is the term used to describe the set of statistical tools used by quality professionals. Statistical quality control can be divided into three broad categories:

  1. Descriptive statistics are used ...

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