5Surface Plasmon Resonance Fiber-Optic Sensors

Kent B. Pfeifer and Steven M. Thornberg


5.1 Introduction

5.2 Planar SPR Theory Overview

5.3 SPR Sensors

5.4 Optical Fiber Rationale

5.5 Fiber-Optic SPR Theory

5.6 Modeling Results

5.7 Experimental

5.7.1 Preparation of the Fiber

5.7.2 MATLAB® Algorithms

5.7.3 Gas Sample Generation

5.8 Results

5.8.1 Pd/H2

5.8.2 Ag/H2S

5.8.3 SiO2/H2O

5.9 Multicoating SPR Fiber

5.10 Conclusions


5.1 Introduction

The first report of the effect of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) was made by Wood in 1902 when he noticed the absence of light in narrow spectral bands from a diffraction grating [1]. He also reported in 1935 that these anomalies, as he called them, had never yet been properly modeled [ ...

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