© Sten Vesterli 2017
Sten VesterliOracle ADF Survival Guidehttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-2820-3_2

2. ADF Enterprise Architecture

Sten Vesterli
Værløse, Denmark
In the previous chapter, you saw how easy it is to build small, but fully functional ADF applications. This chapter will discuss how to build larger applications in an enterprise setting.

ADF Libraries

The secret behind ADF enterprise functionality is ADF libraries. An ADF library is like a normal Java Archive (JAR) file, but it contains extra metadata about its contents. This metadata allows JDeveloper to display the content and makes it easy to reuse components inside ADF libraries in JDeveloper.

Creating ADF Libraries

An ADF library is created from a project inside a workspace. ...

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