[ ] (brackets), 26
* (asterisk), 115
accelerator tools, 11
Access Sets
Definition, 28–32
Account Derivation Rules
about, 251
adding reference to, 255
setting up, 251–255
Account Hierarchy Manager, 48–49
account ranges, 134–136
Accounting Event Class Options, 240
Accounting Flexfield
adding segments to, 39–40
assigning and maintaining segment values, 44–47
configuring, 38–39
creating value sets for, 40–42
Cross-Validation Rule setup for, 53–54
defined, 36
entering segment information for, 42–44
segment specifications for, 40
setting up account aliases, 51–52
using budgetary controls with, 186
Accounting Methods. See also subledgers
assigning to specific subledgers, 263–266
creating subledger, 262–263
accounting ...
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