The Unified Address/Search Bar

There are all kinds of ways to begin your web surfing session. Perform a search. Click a bookmark. On the following pages: a rundown of these starting points.

Often, of course, you’ll want to type in a web address; that’s the purpose of the address/search bar identified in Figure 17-1. In OS X, a single, unified box serves as both the address bar and the search bar.

If you type a web address there, like, then pressing Return takes you to that website; if you type anything else, like cashmere sweaters or just amazon, then pressing Return gives you the Google search results for that phrase, as described next.

The Safari window offers tools and features that let you navigate the web almost effortlessly. These toolbars and buttons are described in this chapter.Note to laptop luggers: Safari’s mass of windowtop strips and bars are condensed in El Capitan, leaving more vertical screen space for your actual webviewing pleasure.

Figure 17-1. The Safari window offers tools and features that let you navigate the web almost effortlessly. These toolbars and buttons are described in this chapter. Note to laptop luggers: Safari’s mass of windowtop strips and bars are condensed in El Capitan, leaving more vertical screen space for your actual webviewing pleasure.

A few important buttons come installed on the toolbar:

  • Back, Forward. Click the Back button () to revisit the page you were just on. Keyboard shortcut: Delete, or ⌘-, or ⌘-[, or a two-finger swipe left on the trackpad. ...

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