
Contacts Actions Menu


The Actions menu shown in Figure 8-1 contains commands for creating contact records and distribution lists. It also provides commands that transfer information from existing contact records to other Outlook components and external application.

The Contacts Actions menu

Figure 8-1. The Contacts Actions menu

Outlook’s Global Shortcut Keys

Learn the global keyboard shortcut keys shown on Outlook’s menus. (For example, Ctrl+Shift+G used by the Flag by Follow Up command.) These are global keyboard shortcuts, functional from any Outlook component. Learning the most common ones saves a lot of mousing around.

Actions New Contact

Actions New Contact opens a blank new contact form. Because creating contact files is central to the functionality of Mail and other components, the command is always accessible from the File menu (File New Contact), and has the global keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift+C. In the Contacts component, it is the default New command, used by the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+N and the Standard Toolbar New buttons.

The Contacts form shows five tabbed sections:General, Details, Activities, Certificates, and All Fields. These tabs structure your contact data in manageable and logical chunks of information.

The Actions menu in Figure 8-2 accessed from the Contacts form is subtly different from the one found on Outlook’s main menu (Figure 8-1). The Actions menu on the Contacts ...

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