Chapter 14. Bless Those Things! (Object-Oriented Perl)

14.1 The OOP Paradigm

By the end of this chapter, you will be able to read and write the following code:

use Cirle::Area;use base qw(Shape);$c1 = Circle::Area->new();$c2 = Circle::Area->new();$c1->setRadius(5);$c1->setArea();$c2->setRadius(12);$c2->setArea();print $c1->getArea();

14.1.1 What Are Objects?

Objects are things we deal with every day. Most programming languages, such as Java and C++, also deal with objects, and those languages are called OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) languages. OOP is a way of organizing a program to solve problems in terms of real-world objects. Early Perl (Perl 4) did not support OOP, but with the advent of Perl 5, the big addition was the ability to ...

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