Arranging Open Images

The Application Frame and tabbed-document workspace help you manage several open documents; if you turn off the Application Frame, your documents can get scattered across your screen. However, you can herd open windows together by using the commands listed under Window→Arrange (see Figure 2-12).

Use the Window→Arrange commands to create order out of chaos by tiling (top) or cascading (bottom) your windows. (You can’t cascade tabbed documents because they’re attached—or rather, docked—to the top of the Photoshop window. The fix is to choose Window→Arrange→“Float All in Windows” first, and then choose Cascade.)When the Application bar was removed back in CS6, the Arrange Documents menu disappeared along with it; however, Adobe moved its commands to the Window→Arrange submenu.

Figure 2-12. Use the Window→Arrange commands to create order out of chaos by tiling (top) or cascading (bottom) your windows. (You can’t cascade tabbed documents because they’re attached—or rather, docked—to the top of the Photoshop window. The fix is to choose Window→Arrange→“Float All in Windows” first, and then choose Cascade.) When the Application bar was removed back in CS6, the Arrange Documents menu disappeared along with it; however, Adobe moved its commands to the Window→Arrange submenu.

The Window→Arrange submenu offers a slew of choices:

  • Tile All Vertically resizes your windows so you can see them all in columns.

  • Tile All Horizontally does nearly the same thing, but arranges them in rows.

  • 2-up, 3-up Horizontal resizes two or three windows so they fit one on top of the other in rows.

  • 2-up, 3-up Vertical resizes two or three windows so they fit side by side in columns.

  • 3-up Stacked resizes three windows side by side with one in a column and two in rows.

  • 4-up, 6-up resizes four or six windows side by side in a tic tac toe–style grid.


    You can only pick a 2-up option ...

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