Chapter 2. Getting It Printed
In This Chapter
Preparing images for printing
Setting up your print options
Printing multiple images
Using color profiles
Printing color from different printers
Using online printing services
Exploring other print options
Perhaps the greatest challenge for individuals using programs like Photoshop Elements (and even for the professionals who use its granddaddy, Adobe Photoshop) is turning what you see on your monitor into a reasonable facsimile on a printed page. You can find all sorts of books on color printing — how to get color right, how to calibrate your equipment, and how to create and use color profiles — all for the purpose of getting a good match between your computer monitor and your printer. It's downright discouraging to spend a lot of time tweaking an image so that all the brilliant blue colors jump out on your computer monitor, only to find that all those blues turn to murky purples when the photo is printed.
If you've already read Book III, Chapters 1 and 2, you're ahead of the game because you know a little bit about color management, color profiles, and printer resolutions. After you check out those chapters, your next step is to get to know your printer or your print service center and understand how to correctly print your pictures.
In this chapter, we talk about options — many options — for setting print attributes for printing to your own color printer. We also toss in some tips on how to get better results when you're using print service ...
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