Chapter 8. Lunch in Tiburon

Capturing Sunlight

At the time of this writing, “Lunch in Tiburon” was my latest painting. “Damen” was painted prior to “Lunch in Tiburon.” So far, each chapter has dealt with a painting in the order in which it was created. But here I’ll stray from the chronological order that I have followed until now in the book. I’ll make “Damen” the last chapter due to its unique, monumental size and the fact that it appears on the cover. I trust you will not mind my taking a little artistic license on this sequencing matter.

“Lunch in Tiburon” was inspired by what its name implies—a lunch in the city of Tiburon, California (Figure 8.0). My good friend Arne owns a wonderful yacht called “Summer Breeze.” On occasion we’ll go out for ...

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