5 Address to the Inhabitants of Earth on the following and other Interesting Subjects written for the edification of All Good Neighbors
5:1 It started like this.
In PoC∥GTFO 5:2, Laphroaig checks his privilege and finds it to be in excellent shape! We are incredibly lucky that our science is mostly pwnage, and that our pwnage is mostly science.
In PoC∥GTFO 5:3, Philippe Teuwen continues our journal’s strange obsession with ECB mode antics. You see, there’s a teensy little bit of intellectual dishonesty in the famous ECB Penguin, in that the data is encrypted but the metadata is kept in the clear, so there’s no question as to the dimensions of the image. To amend this travesty, Philippe has composed a series of scripts for turning an ECB-encrypted ...
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