
Chapter 1

  1. nil and false are the only objects Ruby treats as false in conditional expressions.
  2. No. Division is not exact if the division results in a repeating decimal.
  3. No. Symbols represent identifiers and strings represent text or data, so they serve different purposes.
  4. Hash, but only slightly. Set in Ruby 3.0 is implemented internally using a hash.
  5. and

Chapter 2

  1. In most cases, yes.
  2. The open-closed principle is almost impossible to implement in Ruby.
  3. This depends. If it simplifies the implementation of a class the user uses, then yes.
  4. Rarely. In most cases, you should use arrays and hashes, at least until you are dealing with a very large amount of data.

Chapter 3

  1. No. However, it is generally a good idea ...

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