

ADC, see Analog-to-digital converter

Ambient temperature, 253

Analog-to-digital converter (ADC), 128

Analog implementation, MPPT, 76

Arrow-up matrix, 28


BM operation, see Burst mode operation

Bode diagram, 80, 102, 208, 213

Boltzmann constant, 8

Boost-based SCPVMs, 152163


-based SCPVMs, 163177

converter duty cycle, 300

double FET, 306

power dissipation, 297, 301

residual loss budget, 295

Burst mode (BM) operation, 113

Bypass diode model, 25


California Energy Commission, 82, 142, 255

CCM, see Continuous conduction mode


FET switching, 272

fuel, 94

nominal operating cell temperature, 145, 152

shaded, 261

solar, 10

temperature, 5

Commutation phases, FET switching cells, 272

Continuous conduction mode (CCM), 108, 279 ...

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