Chapter 3. Collaborating with Others on a Presentation
In This Chapter
Writing comments on a presentation
Clamping a password on a presentation
Sharing slides with others
Sharing files online with SharePoint Services
This chapter is all about taking one for the team (as they say in baseball when a batter allows himself to be hit by a pitch and gets a free pass to first base). Here, you discover how to collaborate with team members to create a presentation. You find out how to comment on a presentation and use comments for review purposes. You also get instructions for locking a file with a password, in case you want to exclude riff‐raff from collaborating with you. You discover how to share slides with others in a slide library. Finally, this chapter looks into SharePoint Services, a software product that makes it possible to collaborate with others online.
Comments for Critiquing Others' Work
A comment
is a note to yourself or to someone else that is attached to a slide. Insert a comment to remind yourself to do a task or to critique another's work. Comments don't upset the formatting of a slide, so you can sprinkle as many comments on a slide as you want. Comments don't appear in Slide Show view; your audience will never see them.
To read a comment, move the pointer over its icon. As shown in Figure 3-1 , the comment appears in a pop‐up box. To identify who made each comment, names and initials appear on comments. Comments are color‐coded to distinguish one commenter from another. They ...
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