C language
array storage format, 26
data type determination, 35
IDL compared to, 6, 15, 38, 50
variables, 17
canceling error handlers, 133
case of source file names, 91
case statements
for executing display command, 99–100
overview, 99–101
with relational and Boolean operators, 100–101
syntax, 99, 100
catch procedure
canceling error handlers, 133
intercepting errors, 131–132
CDE (Common Desktop Environment), 220
ceil function, 21
CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) device, 194
check_math function, 134
child widgets, 400
close procedure, 147, 151
device close_document keyword, 329, 381
device close_file keyword, 356–357, 359
files, 151, 329, 356–357, 359, 381
IDL session, 9
color table, 213–216
creating custom ...

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