Win-Win Tactics

Win-win tactics, if used by you or the other side, are more likely to lead to a mutually beneficial agreement. Many of these tactics are also referred as “cooperative tactics” for use in “Principled Negotiations.”[1] Some of these tactics, if used in a manipulative or extreme way, could result in a negative outcome. Win-win tactics are not intended to be used in this manner. We encourage you to learn how and when to use these tactics. In Chapter 10, we explore a method to determine which tactics to use and which to expect from the other side.

The tactics are listed alphabetically and laid out in the following format:

  • Description: What the tactic is about.

  • Sounds like: The words or phrases negotiators use to execute the tactic.

  • Advantages: Positive reasons to use this tactic.

  • Disadvantages: How the tactic may backfire or limit your effectiveness.

  • Tips: General information about the use of this tactic.

Each of the following tactics will allow you to build a win-win outcome.


  • Description: Listing the issues to be discussed in the negotiation.

  • Sounds like: “We plan to deal with ___________ today. Is that correct?” “Are there any other areas we should cover?”

  • Advantages: Helps you take the initiative and maintain control. Guards against surprises as you work to close the agreement. If you control the agenda, you control what will or will not be addressed.

  • Disadvantages: May be perceived as too pushy.

  • Tips: Control of the agenda signals firmness. Let the other side set it ...

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