

Airport weather office example, 304

Alias frequency, 3128

anti-alias filter, 318

aliasing examples, 314

Nyquist limit, 310

sampling rate, 312

Amplitude, 4

sinusoid, 17

impulse, 15

variations, 189

Amplitude modulation (AM), 385

diode detection, 3914

lower sideband (LSB), 387

overmodulation, 397

sidebands, 387

suppressed carrier, 394

synchronous demodulation, 38991, 396

transmitted carrier, double sideband (TCDSB), 385

upper sideband (USB), 387, 395


Band pass filter, 216

Bandlimited signal, 305

Baseband signal, 381

Bode plot, 222, 246, 2604, 438

breakpoint, 260

frequency response, 222

MATLAB, 246, 264, 438

phase response, 222

resonance, 257

sketching, 262

z-transform, 363

Bounded input, bounded output (BIBO), 72


CB radio example, 127

Carrier frequency, 381

Causality, 912

causal filter, 219

causal system, 91

noncausal, 219

Clock tower example, 315

Comb function, 56, see impulse train

Communications, 381

baseband signal, 381

carrier signal, 382

demodulation, see also unit impulse function

digital, 402, see also individual entry

modulation, 383

radio spectrum, 384

Complex exponential, 536

Euler’s identity, 53

Fourier series, 138

Fourier transform, 176

graph, 53

Laplace transform, 212

magnitude, 55


phase, 55

sine and cosine, 53

z-transform, 347

Complex Fourier series, 139

components, 143

cosine, 139

even and odd signals, 144

full-wave rectified cosine, 154

magnitude ...

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