ABR (available bit rate) service
class, 300
Accepted traffic, 21, 38–40,
452–454, 458–459, 515
Accepted vs. offered traffic curve,
Ack/nack flow control, 249–250
Active state, 237
Adaptive routing, 162, 189, 208,
272–277, 422, 515
basics, 189–192
chaotic, 195, 458
deadlock avoidance, 272–277
Duato’s protocol for
deadlock-free adaptive
algorithms, 276–277
fully, 193–195
load-balanced, 195–196
minimal, 192–193
routing subfunctions and
extended dependences,
stiff flow control, 191
Thinking Machines CM-5,
Age-based arbitration, 295–296
Age-based priority, 279
Agents, 257
circuit switching, 258
deadlock, 258–259
flit-buffer flow control,
packet-buffer ...

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