accident virals 116
Acevedo, Angel 150
activist movements: armchair activism (clicktivism) 133–134; hashtag use 21; on Reddit 29
Adobe Premiere 168
advertising/advertisers: on blogs 228; on BuzzFeed 182; cookies use 54; corporate viral videos 124, 134–136; embedded content 182; on Facebook 15; on Instagram 42; native 182, 252; social video 136
“Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That!” (2012) 138–139
algorithm 247
Allocca, Kevin 123
“alpha” channel 74
“ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, The” 134
alternative television 185
Amazon Prime 186
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) 55, 247
America’s Funniest Home Videos 118–119
Amyot, Brian 150
analytics 247; YouTube 184, 238–239
Annoying ...
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