Chapter 13. Customer Membership
You will build the customer domain model and customer account section
You will use the ASP.NET membership API to offer a local authentication service
You will use a web-based authentication service provided by Janrain to allow customers to authenticate themselves on the site using existing accounts such as Google and Facebook
This chapter builds upon the solution from Chapter 12 by adding customer membership functionality. In this chapter, you tackle the requirements of customer membership, registration, and authentication.
Figure 13-1 shows the site map for customer membership.
You will focus on the login and registration functionality as well as the customer and delivery address book management. The next chapter deals with the customer's order history.
Customer Model
The domain model for customer aggregation is simple and consists of only two classes: the Customer
and the DeliveryAddress
, as shown in Figure 13-2.
Figure 13-1. FIGURE 13-1
Figure 13-2. FIGURE 13-2
has been defined as a separate base class because it will be used with the order aggregation to represent the order dispatch address. Because customers and addresses can be created, it's important that they are created in a valid state. With this in mind, ...
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