

pthread_create — thread creation


THR #include <pthread.h>

    int pthread_create(pthread_t "restrict thread,
        const pthread_attr_t "restrict attr,
         void *(*start_routine)(void*), void "restrict arg) ;


The pthread_create() function shall create a new thread, with attributes specified by attr, within a process. If attr is NULL, the default attributes shall be used. If the attributes specified by attr are modified later, the thread's attributes shall not be affected. Upon successful completion, pthread_create() shall store the ID of the created thread in the location referenced by thread.

The thread is created executing start_routine with arg as its sole argument. If the start_routine returns, the effect shall be as if there was an implicit call to pthread_exit() using the return value of start_routine as the exit status. Note that the thread in which main() was originally invoked differs from this. When it returns from main(), the effect shall be as if there was an implicit call to exit() using the return value of main() as the exit status.

The signal state of the new thread shall be initialized as follows:

  • The signal mask shall be inherited from the creating thread.

  • The set of signals pending for the new thread shall be empty.

The floating-point environment shall be inherited from the creating thread.

If pthread_create() fails, no new thread is created and the contents of the location referenced by thread are undefined.

TCT If _POSIX_THREAD_CPUTIME is defined, the new ...

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