Working with Scrum Assessments


  • Using assessment templates.
  • Looking at a sample assessment.
  • Using checklists for the product owner and ScrumMaster.

Continuous assessment is a key part of doing Scrum successfully. Creating checklists of desired behavior is an excellent way to achieve shared understanding about what is working and what is not working. This appendix provides assessment worksheets for the daily Scrum, the demo meeting, the retrospective meeting, and the planning meeting. The appendix also includes a sample assessment that is based on an actual assessment provided to a client who was just starting to implement Scrum.


This section provides assessments for the daily Scrum, the demo, the retrospective, and the planning meeting. You should print out these assessments and fill in each one during the appropriate meeting. At the end of the meeting, you can post the assessment on the SharePoint portal. The ScrumMaster, product owner, and technical team can all learn from these assessments.

Assessing the Daily Scrum

Table A-1 shows a template for assessing the daily Scrum. The first column consists of a list of questions. Any member of the team can answer these questions, but, in practice, the ScrumMaster is often the one who completes the checklist.

The second column indicates the ideal answer. All questions are either Yes/No (Y/N) questions or rating questions (A–F). The third column indicates how many points each answer ...

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