With the prerequisites and preparations out of the way, developing a native code application from the VS2008 IDE is straightforward. When you create a new project from the VS2008 IDE, it automatically launches a New Project Wizard to step through the new project creation process and provides different project templates and options for you to choose from to create the initial workspace for the project.

Creating a Win32 Smart Device Application Project

The exercise in this section creates a Win32 smart device application project. Work through the following steps to create the Win32 smart device application project:

1. From the VS2008 IDE File menu, select New, and click Project to bring up the New Project Wizard screen, as shown in Figure 17-1.

2. From the left pane, expand the Visual C++ node, and select Smart Device.

3. From the right pane, select Win32 Smart Device Project.

4. Enter Compact7_Win32 as the project name, and click OK to bring up the Win32 Smart Device Project Wizard screen.

5. From the Win32 Smart Device Project Wizard screen, click Next to bring up the Platforms selection screen, as shown in Figure 17-2.

6. The Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK is selected by default. You need to remove this ...

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