Chapter 3. Xcode Layout


  • Identifying the basic workspace components

  • Setting up your workspace style

  • Customizing windows and panes

  • Getting information about items in your project

Now that you have a bird's eye view of how Xcode is organized, drop a few hundred feet and look at the visual layout of Xcode. In this chapter, you learn how items are organized in the Xcode project window, how to choose a window layout style that you like, how to arrange and customize windows, and how to get information about your project.

The project window, shown in Figure 3-1, represents your project and is your home base in Xcode. All of the components that make up your project are organized here. It is also the central means of browsing your project, allowing you to see the products that your project produces, symbols defined in your project, bookmarks you've saved, and other aspects. All other windows in your project are subordinate to your project window. Closing the project window closes the project and all other windows related to the project.


Figure 3-1. FIGURE 3-1

Project content (source files, property lists, details, log output) is presented in individual windows or in one or more panes that share a single window. Some windows are always organized into multiple panes, like the project and debugger windows. Other windows, like editing windows, usually consist of a single pane, but ...

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