
A stack is a last-in, first-out (LIFO) collection, like a stack of dishes at a buffet table, or a stack of coins on your desk. You add a dish on top, and that is the first dish you take off the stack.

The principal methods for adding to and removing from a stack are Push and Pop( ) ; Stack also offers a Peek( ) method, very much like Queue. The significant methods and properties for Stack are shown in Table 9-5.

Table 9-5. Stack methods and properties

Method or Property


Synchronized(  )

Public static method that returns a Stack wrapper that is thread-safe.

Count(  )

Public property that gets the number of elements in the Stack.


Public property that gets a value indicating if the Stack is read-only.


Public property that gets a value indicating if the Stack is synchronized.


Public property that returns an object that can be used to synchronize access to the Stack.

Clear(  )

Removes all objects from the Stack.

Clone(  )

Creates a shallow copy.

Contains(  )

Determines if an element is in the Stack.

CopyTo(  )

Copies the Stack elements to an existing one-dimensional array.

GetEnumerator(  )

Returns an enumerator for the Stack.

Peek(  )

Returns the object at the top of the Stack without removing it.

Pop(  )

Removes and returns the object at the top of the Stack.

Push(  )

Inserts an object at the top of the Stack.

ToArray(  )

Copies the elements to a new array.

The ArrayList, Queue, and Stack ...

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